SALTO Systems – Inspired Access Control
SALTO solutions are in use around the world in educational environments, including universities, university housing, schools, research institutes, academies, nurseries & elementary schools.
We like the ease of use and capability of the SALTO software as it helps us get maximum benefit from the technology whilst providing a secure environment for all our students and staff.
Peter Evans, Operations Director, Queen’s College, UK.
Providing a safe and convenient environment for pupils, students and staff:
- Differentiate easily who has access and when to such different places as offices, residences, laboratories, libraries, athletic and cultural facilities, common areas, etc.
- Distinguish access not just by physical location but also by duration, easily managing access for short-term guests (i.e., conference attendees), contract and temporary workers, as well as staff and students.
- Integrate access control along with other campus services (i.e., cashless vending, canteens, library systems, transportation) all on one credential.
- System flexibility permits the easy change of access plans thereby facilitating the individual programming of certain installations for conferences, sport and cultural events, etc.
- In emergency situations, the local lockdown feature allows authorized users to put SALTO electronic locks into stand-alone lockdown mode.
Special SALTO features for Education
SALTO AMOK electronic escutcheons have a built-in card reader on the inner escutcheon. This inner reader enables users to activate the AMOK function mode in order to lockdown a room quickly. Only authorized users with AMOK privileges on their access plan can activate it.
Automatic Key Assignment
Automatic key assignment allows keycards to be encoded directly via a wall reader at the main point of access. This can be done the first time a user presents a card, saving time, hassle and the need to queue for card validation.
Salto Accredited Engineers
Halls Access Control Engineers have received their Salto Access Control Accreditation so you can be sure that you are in good hand.
If you are interested in discussing your Access Control System requirements call Halls Access Control today, one of our experienced team will be able to find the right system to meet your requirements.